
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Your Subconcious MInd- A tool to realize what you want in Life

It   is a well-known fact that we have two minds – The   conscious mind and the sub conscious mind.  The conscious mind is    just a very small fragment    as compared to the sub conscious mind.  It can be truly said that the sub conscious mind is the portal to the    higher worlds and perceptions.    The sub conscious mind is the one, which is responsible for running the body system, and interprets the intelligence imbibed in the genes.

The conscious mind is capable of giving the directions and the sub   conscious mind is designed to carry out the instructions   given to it.  Like a computer or an automated machine, it can follow faithfully the impressions that are given to it. The border between the conscious mind and the sub conscious mind is the time when we are just about to drift to the sleep and it manifests at the time of twilight or the border line when we are just entering the sleep stage.  The reason is very simple. For the sub conscious to come up and be felt, the conscious has to go dormant. This is exactly what happens when one is about to sleep and the conscious mind is at the lowest activity at that time. The other method is    to artificially induce the   alpha state in the mind   when the vibrations are from 4 to 7 cycles per second.  Equipment can be designed to achieve this state artificially and it had been my dream to do so. 

However, in my case this is not at all necessary now, since following the percepts of Himalayan Siddha Yoga at the feet of my Revered Gurudeva, Mahayogi Pilot Babaji, much better and perfect results have been achieved without any instrumentation. Himalayan Siddha Yoga puts one in total command of his material, emotional and the other affairs of material and subtle lives in perfect coordination and balance. Many How’s and Whys at my level of understanding stand answered.  This small article is for those who are not in to serious practice   but are living a common humdrum life.

 But if someone had the time and put in the necessary effort, it would be well worth the effort all the way. In my own life, I do not have the time to spare to develop some instrumentation. When the Lord wishes it to happen, some one or the other will get the inspiration to do so and it will then happen.

 The sub conscious mind can be activated by Yogic practices, which essentially touch upon, Brmharandhra and certain sensitive points on the skull. The same result can also be achieved by stimulation of Pineal Gland.  The pineal gland of a child is soft and active and a child is ruled more by his subconscious mind. As one grows up, this gland, which acts as the  interface of the physical and the subtle worlds, becomes atrophied and we thereby use a wonderful tool of evolution. It has been so simply described by me but in reality it is not that simple, since everything’s interconnected in the subtle worlds. I have just mentioned d the above subject in the passing and it is too serious a subject to be trifled with.  In Himalayan Siddha Yoga , there are minor exercises like ”Yog Nidra”  which are much more effective in getting in touch with the subconscious mind.

  Since  the  sub  conscious  mind  is   in  touch  with  the  cosmos (being  finer  than  the  conscious  mind)  hence  it  is  at  a  finer  plane  of  existence-  and  being  in  touch  with  the  cosmos,  it  can  create  and  generate  those  kind  of  vibrations  which  will yield  the  desired  results-  Hence the  sub  conscious  mind  has  a  great  to  do  with  success and  the realization  of  ones desires.

The biggest enemy  and hindrance   to the above is what we call our “will power”.  The so called ‘will power’ stimulates the conscious mind and once the conscious mind is stimulated, the sub conscious mind goes dormant   and becomes incapable of receiving the impressions that we desire to give it.  The 'will power' also carries lot of Ego and a feeling that I have done this or that and I will do this or that.  The stimulated conscious mind is not in effective touch with the astral and higher worlds and is close to the physical world. Hence it is incapable to achieve those results, which can be generated by agitating the higher spheres- which only the sub conscious mind can do.

To get the best results from the sub conscious mind, one has   to develop an egoless child like nature. A child has no ego or the sense of being a doer.   A child believes that the food will come and the nature makes sure that it comes.  A child has a dream since childhood to be something and if the same is not   spoiled by the conscious mind, these dreams come true. Let this statement not be misunderstood by some foolish adult minds. Let me clarify   that a childlike nature is not a license for inaction or avoiding one’s duty in a given situation.

Sleep is the best time when sub conscious mind comes as close to the physical plane as possible   and these visualization techniques should be used at that Tim e to create the necessary vibrations in to the astral world. Many people laugh these things off. It is not at all wise to do so.  Proof of the pudding is in eating.  So without a trial, unbelieving something is not at all wise.

These facts are known from the   experiences obtained in the higher states of meditation and are intuitive in nature and hence no physical proof of these things can be given.  It is like the taste of a Mango which cannot be described. One can know the quality of the taste only when one eats it.  Those   who have got to know of these things in small or big degree are to be believed in the first instance  - after which one tries for himself and finds the truth of these things.   One has to find one’s own truth. If one does not find the truth even after trying for the same, then the concept describing the truth can always be thrown in a waste paper basket. There is nothing to lose and it is a win –win situation for the practitioner. 

 But to throw the concept in waste paper basket  without even a fair trial is totally unwise and not in your interest since you have to gain so much from these things. My revered Gurudeva, Mahayogi Pilot Baba has always said that the conscious mind is a tool or a servant given to us. Over the past so many incarnations, this servant has became the owner   and has taken over guiding us   and   the subtle realities- the soul element and the inner mind have all receded in to background.  What is Sadhana? It is the process whereby we try and reestablish the supremacy of the inner mind and all our manifested and the subtle activities are to be ruled by the inner mind. It is up to us to decide which side we are on.  It has to be a conscious decision and the decision in the conscious mind is to be the start point.  Of course, there are regimes, Kriya and disciplines that can be learnt at the feet of a Mahayogi.  This needs total one pointedness and commitment.

Not all can do the above since  there are many obstacles on the way. These are  mostly made by the conscious mind. Some of the examples are-  
a)    The aspirant may belong to a different faith
b)    The individual may be a slave to his logics and all that he has so far learnt in this life time
c)    He may accede to the suggestion of the conscious mind   that it is too early to dabble in these things. Let one finfish his /her mundane duties and when one retires, one can then proceed on the path.
d)    One may have too much Karmic load and be a slave to the material desires
e)    He may be deluded for this or that practice given by someone who is himself not evolved. I have given a case study in one of my blogs posteed a few days back, in which I have described the plight of an Israeli aspirant who wasted eight precious years of his life following a pseudo Guru, who did not know the depth of what he was teaching based on his bookish knowledge
f)      The person may have a very powerful mind, which may be driven by logics derived from the many years of this incarnation.  The sheer logics stop the person from achieving the best. It is such a pity since people with powerful minds and a highly developed  mental body have all the possibilities of exponential progress but in this case this well developed powerful mind is the biggest enemy. It is such a pity and no feels so helpless to be able to do antrhing for these kinds.  It is like someone sinking in the sea   and a helpline is thrown and the person refuses to take the same- the conscious mind driving the Ego stop these ones.
g)    There might be the ones who are yet so undeveloped some as not to understand what I am talking about. They will have to wait for many more incarnations before they wake up to subtle  realities.

There can be nth reasons, which I do not know and as such cannot describe. Whatever category one may belong to, but we all humans want success and a happy life. As such whichever faith you may belong to, it will do no harm if you read and practice what is written in succeeding paras. Science is not to be confused with religion. A scientist can be a Hindu, Sikh, Moslem or a Christian. A scientist is a scientist. Religion and faith denotes your own very personal equation with the Lord or your concept of the Lord. Science is based on the principles and the laws under which   the energy operates.  

A simple exercise below will do nothing but good to all under all circumstances.  This has got nothing to do with religion. As such one must develop the art of sending the conscious signals to the SC Mind.  If I asked you as to how many feet do you have-the answer would be two. You do not need to look at the feet to decide that you have two feet. Hence visualization is not a matter of seeing the subject matter in minds screen.  (Not in the initial stages in any case). It is a matter of awareness, like you are aware of the two feet.
When one goes to sleep, one should do conscious relaxation of each body part- which means start from the feet and feel they are relaxed and then work upwards until you reach    the head portion. The   whole exercise should take only 5 minutes for your purpose at this point of time to reach a   semi relaxed state. At this point visualize  (means to be aware)    of the desired result and while visualizing so, drift off to sleep.

The SC Mind vibrates at the cosmic frequency and once these signals/commands reach the sc mind-these are, as it were, broadcasted to the entire cosmos and then the   miracle happens- in that whatever you have visualized, the same format comes in to being. In this way one can realize ones goals whether these are spiritual as also material.

A cancer patient to visualize that the bad effect of chemotherapy are going away can use this method. The SC mind knows how to run the body machine. It will do so when it gets positive signals for doing so.  Children can also be taught to improve their performance in academics by using the creative visualization.
  Most important, once this becomes a habit, one does not have to consciously do so and it becomes a way of life to become a foundation stone for future spiritual  or material practices. Like I mentioned above, it is a science and has got nothing to do with religions.

I hope I have been able to convey what i wished to convey and that this would do you all a lot of good in many ways.........i have not known it to fail.........however perseverance is the key.

Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya- So says the ancient Vedas. It is prayer to be led from the darkness to Light. May the Lord bless each human being with a discriminative mind?
Aum Namo Narayana
- Ravindra Sehgal

These Blogs are written in the interest of what I think is public service- to change the mind set of people so that the world becomes a better place to live in. If you have liked this Blog, it will be a very good Karma, if you join this holy task and spread these blogs to others on your mailing list through face book, twitter or any such portal. You can also become a member of my blogsite so that you can automatically receive the same.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Your First Step towards Evolution

These Blogs are written in the interest of what I think is public service- to change the mind set of people so that the world becomes a better place to live in. If you have liked this Blog, it will be a very good Karma, if you join this holy task and spread these blogs to others on your mailing list through face book, twitter or any such portal. You can also become a member of my blogsite so that you can automatically receive the same.

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Himalayan Siddha Yoga and Human Behavior

Two persons were discussing the Lord.
One said, what a mess. The Lord must be a very humorous person
(Of Course   the Lord cannot be described as a person)
The other one asked, " why do you say so?"
The first one replied," Look at what a wide range of humanity he has created". There are the white, black and yellow ones- the lean and the plump ones- the good, the bad and the ugly ones- name any shape, size and the quality you wish to- you will all find them on the planet. It is also said that each human being has the quality of some or the other of animal, bird or marine life.  There are the cruel ones like a tiger, the venomous ones like a snake, the crafty ones like a fox, slimy ones like a fish, wise like an elephant, the innocent ones like a cow and the evil tempered ones like a bear with a very bad headache early in the morning. You can add on to the list if you wish to. However, the aim of this Blog is not to make a fun of us human species-to which I myself belong.

The question arises as to," Why we are what we are? The answer is   that," It is an X factor, which makes us different from another person in our attitudes, reactions and the temperament".  

Different religions of the world try to explain this in their own way.  Some say, " That we have sinned   and therefore we are what we are". Another one says   that it is the Devil, which gets in to us and makes us do what we do. The Hindus put all the above causes in to a convenient basket of Prarabhda or the accumulated past Karma and be done away with it – thereby start begin irresponsible for their Karma now.  Karma is a hugely misquoted and misunderstood term. Again the aim of this Blog is not to write a thesis on the merit and the demerits of the contemporary religions.

My Revered Sudguru Mahayogi Raj Rajrishi Kapil Advait (Pilot Baba) has always taught us that the religions are mere organizations with having a set of rules defining Do’s and Don’ts to keep their flock in tow and to make sure that there is some discipline in the human society-as also to keep the leaders egoistically and financially happy.  This applies to all the religions of the world. They aim to make us all become what they think is their definition of a good human being.

A Spiritualist does not bother much about religion, as also what is good or bad. He goes through both these opposites like a knife goes through butter. Both the good and bad deeds are binding   and we create good and bad times for ourselves through these. A prisoner in a jail is a prisoner and he is always unhappy. It does not matter if the chains in the jail are made of iron or of gold. A chain is a chain. A prisoner in a jail is always unhappy – for he has heard about there freedom outside the jail and he yearns for the same. The bondage is the eternal cycle of birth and death is like a prison.

Coming back to our question in this Blog-" Why we are we what we are- as also, what about Prarabdh? Our prarabdh is the blueprint of stored subtle energy in the subtle space- to be enjoyed in this birth. It is just like a recorded CD being played in a computer.  How to re- write this CD or to be able to modify it a little bit?  All religions tell us to good karma and hence improve our lot. Some of these sects tell us to propiate this or that deity and make the deity happy so that the doer is rewarded with all the goodies of life.

Most of the so-called gurus of today tell you about  "what this or that scripture has said". Some believe that by just reading or reciting these, is good enough. Others think that singing songs praising a deity or a long gone Guru will do the trick. No doubt that all the above activities are evolving and may have their merit but these are too slow to achieve   the desired results in one single incarnation.

Himalaya Siddha Yoga as defined, known and practiced and taught by Pujya Gurudeva is a science with the following attributes-

The human body is a wonderful system comprising of many levels of subtlety
a)    That there is an energy matrix all round us, which is capable of interacting with our subtle bodies as also with the physical body.
b)   The right type of energy of this matrix can be made to interact with  our subtle systems to achieve the desired results
c)     That the above energy matrix follows well defined rules. It is a very specific science not to be trifled with as is being done by some of the worldly gurus, who are giving bits of it to the gullible public. I have given a live example and given a case study of the same in my earlier Blog titled as Himalayan Siddha Yoga – The Gift of Himalayan Siddhas to Humanity
d)   That there is no gain without pain one should be ready to devote time and effort to gain this priceless knowledge. In real time spiritual practices, there are no quick fix solutions. Like Einstein said that the secret   of his success was 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration.
e)   To gain the above knowledge one has to become a disciple and not a devotee. There is a great difference between the two and the same has been explained on page no 4 on Nav Nirman Volume-1 (Please see our web site
f)     That each sickness whether the same be physical or mental is caused due to some aberration in one of the subtle bodies of the person.

The above being so, the Himalaya Siddha Yoga, in it’s true form, opens unlimited possibilities for an aspirant and many more-
a)   To be able to know define the real nature of energy and the laws governing it
b)   To be able to apply the energy formats to the subtle existences of an individuals for the desired effects in the physical plane
c)   In case of evolved Sadhaks, it is absolutely possible and quite natural to be able to negate the effects of the past karma by certain specific practices, to be learnt at the feet of a realized master.
d)    One has to understand the logic and the science of the ‘cause and effect’ as one evolves.

        The term- evolution, cannot be described fully in the Vaikhari- the spoken language. The spoken and the written language is such an incomplete tool to express anything, which is subtle. Science has been trying to reach more and more subtle levels- like Nano particle and suspected sub particles, as also suspected world of Anti matter. Science may take a few centuries to find some truth in the coming centuries. A Himalayan Siddha Yogi is already there   and much beyond- for he has had a real time experience of these subtlest states while he is in Samadhi and beyond.
 There is a lot of strife in the world today due to degraded human behavior. There is a lot of imbalance in the subtle body systems of individuals to make   them behave in a Tamasic and irrational way.  To give an example-
a)   The emotional disturbance and imbalance can be treated though the application of specific energies on to the emotional body of the individual.
b)   The prarabdh can be altered, modified or completely erased   through the causal body
c)    The thought process can be modified by the interaction of energy on the mental body. There is a cosmic law- "Thought precedes matter" As such, if the world thought was changed, the world will become a better place to live in.  This is a sattvik way to cleanse a very sick planet without destruction and bloodshed
d)   The real nature of God can only be known after one has known and identified him with the Atmic level and beyond. Anyone describing the Lord before achieving the above state would be like   the story of six blind men and an elephant.

 The planet earth is very sick. This earth needs many persons to come forward and learn   the divine science of Himalayan Siddha Yoga at the feet of a realized master- a Sudguru.  It is the due of all human beings for the mother earth as also to the future generations of our own species. It is not too late to do so even at this late a stage.

What has been written above if the total truth from my puny level of understanding.

May Pujya Gurudeva bless and guide all the evolving souls and all the Sadhaks who are searching for the real knowledge and striving on the path

Aum Namo Narayan

- Ravindra Sehgal

These Blogs are written in the interest of what I think is public service- to change the mind set of people so that the world becomes a better place to live in. If you have liked this Blog, it will be a very good Karma, if you join this holy task and spread these blogs on to others on your mailing list through face book, twitter or any such portal. 

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Your Destiny is in your mind

Few things in life leave a lasting impression on the self ,so much so, that the moment becomes defined lasting point in your evolution. I like to travel by train since I prefer a train journey  over the Air travel. For one, I am not in a hurry and for the second, I can internalize myself. I normally try to shut the eyes and the ear portals and sink in to myself. I am a  basic recluse and do not encourage any conversation.  What does a Sadhak wants? He wants all the time   that he can muster to be with his inner self. When not internalized, a Sadhak listens more and speaks less. One wonders why people speak so much- most of the time they do it needlessly- it is just that they have aligned themselves to their external mind-which drives them.
I remember a particular train journey about 40 years back, which left a lasting impression on my young mind.  This journey was different. An elderly gentleman was talking to his friend who was worried about some mundane problem. He said –
“ The Cosmic Department store is open on 24x 7 basis
All the shelves are loaded with goodies
Pick up anything that you want
There are no guards or CC TV cameras to stop you from picking up whatever you desire
But there is a condition-
Pay the Price and take what you wish to take.
He continued, “ The price has to be paid before a chosen thing is yours”. His companion asked as to what was the price to be paid. He replied,” The price is to be paid by a constant yearning about the chosen inject.
I was quietly listening   and thinking on the importance and the practicability of what he had said. They continued their conversation and the topic almost ended when, on an impulse, I decide to butt in. I joined the issue and the ensuing conversation was as below-
Me- I have heard what you said with great interest but there are a couple of questions that need to be resolved.
He- Please goes ahead. What are the questions? I will try to answer the same as best as I can.
Me-If what you said is true; a person wishing hard enough could become the president of India. Will it be so?
He- Yes and No.
Me-Why yes and Why No?
He- It could only happen if an evolved Siddha wished it to happen by using his Sankalpa.  There should be a purpose for doing so that fits in to the divine plan. There is nothing beyond Himalayan Siddhas, who play with the nature like a child plays with a football.
Me- Then why don’t they do it?
He- It is so because material gains/losses, success/ failure does not affect or interest them. These are not pseudo so called Gurus of today. These are evolved beings that have crossed the defining line between the physical and the subtle worlds and much beyond. If you looked at   the life with a 10,000 years perspective, the mundane events of today would hardly interest you. Is it not?  They do not interfere with nature but there are many instances when they do it for a divine purpoe.
Me- What about the yes part?
He- Yes – you can achieve whatever you wish to achieve- but   within the limits.
Me – Meaning…
He- If there is laborer whose maximum potential is to achieve a middle class life in this incarnation- He can do so. He can never become Tycoon like Birla and Tata. Our Prarabdh limits us all. Is it not?  Even the best of Rajyoga in his astrological cart will see that he gets promoted to the post of a mate from the ordinary laborer.
Me- What is the definition of yearning for a thing?
It means living with he idea of what ever you want all the way – round then clock – like a mantra.
Me- How soon one can expect to get the results?
He- It depends on your capacity of your visualization/meditation/metal power.
(These words did not have much meaning for me at that point of time)
Me- What do you mean live with the idea?
He- It means that the idea is never away from your thoughts.
Me – It should be easy.
He- Far from it – just try.
The duo got down at Jhansi   and left me pondering on the subject for most of the night.I have always been of the inquisitive and then investigative type- always ready to try out any theory –mostly on myself.
Destiny gave me a chance to do so. It was 1980   and a close relative of mine so desperately go to Zambia. This country was doing quite well in those days and the currency Kwacha was quite stable in the International Market.  She always had a lot of faith in what I said. I suggested to her what I had learnt and suggested that   she lived with this idea. In due course of time, the nature will create a situation that will fulfill her desire. The cycle of time went by She regularly lived the idea – almost round the clock. After about three years, a situation was created by which the family did go to Zambia and stayed about 15 years over there.  She has since gone to her heavenly abode and may the Lord bless her soul for she was a good and pious souls- She was  and still is close to my heart. Life moved on.   Once I was accepted and guided by my Pujya Gurudeva- Mahayogi Kapil Advait, many a things became clear-
a)     That there are subtle worlds
b)   That a creation can be made in the Astral worlds- for good as also for the bad. The Devas got the power for the good and the Asuras did it for destructive purpose.
c)   That once a creation is made in astral, it is bound to fruity in the physical plane- this world of three dimensions
The above truth opens vast possibilities and sets one to think-
a)   The format of a Physical disease must be created in astral before the same manifests in Physical
b)    If the above is true, it should be possible to treat the same at astral level to give relief or to hasten the relief in the Physical domain.
If only the present day Egoistic medical fraternity and the greedy Multinationals will allow the divine knowledge to dovetail   with what little they know so far- it could hasten the process of cure. What a pity that these egoistic minds are closed.  I do not deny that there are many good doctors but most I met were foolishly egoistic and treated their poor patients like dirt- using steroids on unsuspecting humans to gain cheap popularity. What awaits these ones in after death states – one just shudders to think- what a Pity?
Coming back to the subject matter- the above question belongs to Himalaya Siddha Yoga on which only a Sudguru, who has access to the higher worlds, can guide and comment- such a feat would be impossible for charlatans who masquerade in the present times as a realized master.
If there was a Sadhak who was prepared to jump in the river of time and make strenuous efforts for self evolution- the effort will be well rewarded. To achieve success in this, the guidance of a Sudguru is a must.Some people say, “ Why bother about evolution? What is Evolution, -anyway?”
The answer is, “ God Bless these souls. This Blog is not for them and they should not waste their precious time on these things”.May be they will be closer to the truth the next time. There is next Incarnation as yet and anyway what is the hurry? Is it not?

- Ravindra Sehgal

These Blogs are written in the interest of what I think is public service- to change the mind set of people so that the world becomes a better place to live in . If you have liked this Blog, it will be a very good Karma , if you join this holy task and spread these blogs on to others on your mailing list through face book, twitter or any such portal. 

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Himalayan Siddha Yoga- The Divine gift of Himalayan Siddhas to Humanity

We are passing through truly momentous times. The humanity is on the brink of progressive destruction. I am not being an alarmist.  To create an alarm is not a spiritual quality and it involves Karma. However, it is also a bounden duty of everyone to speak out the truth as one experiences it- for whatever it may be worth- to a spiritualist it just does not matter one bit. Experiencing a truth is entirely different from seeing the truth or hearing about the truth.
Coming back to the subject matter-There are nth number of gurus who talk about Himalayan Siddha Yoga.  I have known, seen and met   so many of them who were   just reciting what little they had read or heard about from some one else- as also what little they had practiced what they had heard from someone else. To realize the truth in the inner psyche is a different ball game   altogether.  The ones I met did not know even the basic knowledge of the subtle phenomenon. There is a story of en elephant and six blind men. Each of them described the elephant as he felt it and none of then had the sight to see the elephant in totality.I will like to give an example – Many years back, I used to do a lot of Pranic healing for a few selected cases.  I was quite effetive in this. I always wished to stay away from limelight.  I had some thoughts of my own on the subject   and many a times my concepts were a little different form what is taught under the classic teachings of Pranic healers. I never wanted to be drawn in to the vortex of healer/patient equations since it involves karma. I had entered in to the world of Pranic healing for a dire necessity of mine   which was too little and too late.  However, subsequently "let others benefit" was my motto.To explain the point further, treating someone needs commitment, energy and one pointed attention and Time. I would not like to treat someone and bring him half way to the cure and then leave him in the lurch. It needs dedication time and energy to see a case through to the cure. To wean someone away from his mode of treatment   and then to leave him mid way would be bad karma – to be repaid back in this life of the next.  The good lord has not made me a doctor and it would be presumptuous and foolish to take on that role.  But the science can be learnt by anyone who can devote time and effort and use the same for those who have got genetic and karmic connection with the practitioner.  This divine science is a very effective too, - a first line defense for all your medical problems. Time is a precious commodity of which I have very little to spare. I need all the time to follow what my revered Gurudeva Mahayogi Pilot baba has taught me. As such, I used to contribute to one of the Pranic healing Portals on the net under an assumed name and give my opinion on the questions posed by anyone   and I gave my opinion amongst many others who did so.A person was in trouble- it was an Israeli couple that had been teaching Dhyan Yoga under a very well known Swamiji ----no names. The aim of this blog is not to let someone down since each one is free to do his Karma. This Swamiji was running a residential facility for the students in some part of Himalaya.  The facility offered accommodation, all meals and the teaching of Yoga for ascendence of Kundalini (The serpent power). The charges were  …………………US dollars per day. The charges included bed , board,meals and the training. This person had been with him for the past over 8 years. He was now in trouble   and any doctor could not understand his problem. His body temperature was always between 94 to 95 degree farenheight   and besides there were other medical symptoms defied diagnosis. Apparently all was normal in diagnostic tests.  The Swamiji tried but   could not help him   and then told him to vacate the ashram and get himself treated from wherever.From my layman’s viewpoint -what probably was happening was that the Energy had probably been awakened in Muladhar and since Sushmana was blocked, the energy possibly went in to one of the wrong channels. When this happens, the energy can play merry hell with the system.  Pranic system is the nearest I knew of at that point of time, by which the charkas could be cleansed and balanced and I therefore, suggested the name of a good Pranic healer who might be able to help him. I also suggested that a Himalayan Yogi who knew about the subject as his own inner experience could only give the solution to his problem -if only  he was fortunate to find such an elevated soul. Now why did I write this story in my Blog? The moot question is-what about the Karma incurred by this Swamiji? I do not wish to know the answer since this is none of my business. We are all responsible   and accountable for our karma. Is it not? This Swamiji should have known this. I am sure he is a pious man. But to be pious   and to have a real time first hand expertise in the intricate science of Himalayan Siddha Yoga are two entirely different things.  Ochre clothes may indicate piousness but one has to have real time knowledge of what he wishes to teach another or else it involves karma. Leading someone on half baked knowledge is nothing short of a Karmic suicide. This is my firm and unshakable heartfelt opinion – take it or leave it – your choice. 

I did feel very sorry for this sincere individual who had wasted eight valuable years of his life following a mirage. A person’s thirst for water is sincere but what if the water he finds turned out to be brackish?  Like we say in India- O Gorakh – It is your Maya.Coming back to Himalayan Siddha yoga- it is a science of subtle realms. These subtle realms control and affect our physical body organs. I am not saying that the medical science as being practiced today is useless. It has it own utility and place at the physical level. The problem may belong to pre etheric, etheric, emotional, mental, and casual or at the interface of these levels in the subtle existence.  In such a case,the known physical medicines will not work. Take the case of Physiophrenia or bipolar personality. In such cases the so-called modern medicine has no treatment except to drug the patient and dull his mind. A lifetime use of these medicines leave their  signatures on the functioning of the individuals liver.  Decades later the person expires before his time- a failed incarnation- what a pity.If the above problem were seen from the spiritual perspective, in most cases, the emotional body would be found to be blocked and polluted. There could be a break between the emotional and the mental bodies. There also could be nth number of other reasons, which are not being mentioned here since this Blog is not an article on this kind of trouble. I have given the above very simplistic example just  to illustrate   the point.Himalayan Siddha Yoga is a real science- much more effective and detailed than the present level of physical sciences. 

The physical science is just suspecting and investigating the sub atomic particle, the Nano, anti matter and such other aspects of quantum physics. A Siddha yogi laughs at them. They are not even babes in the woods. The start point of subtlety of Himalayan Siddha Yoga is where the modern science may take many decades to reach. It may take many more decades to reach even the remote  periphery of the spiritual sciences.Just look at this. Each body, including the physical body ( There are seven of them including the physical body) has 7 charkas (they are actually many more). Each chakra has got petals ranging from 4 to 1000 (depending on the chakra). Each of these subtle power points control and affect one or the 72000 subtle energy channels called Nadis. These subtle Nadis are connected to the physical body system. There are specific Mantric sounds, which control and activate these petals of the Chakras..  There are seven such bodies with the similar configuration. Imagine the permutation and combinations possible and available   to an adept to use the divine science to deal with a problem.Only a Himalayan Siddha Yogi, a yogi who can transcend from physical to non-physical states with full awareness can effectively use this divine science as a tool. All those who talk about the above subject without going through the Samadhi are deluding themselves as also the others- Whether they do so knowingly or unknowingly is besides the point.  Samadhi is not the end point for a Sadhak – it is the start point. The term Samadhi is a most misunderstood and misinterpreted term. More of this in a separate Blog laterA doctor has got no right to treat as patient if he did not possess the capability to deal with the adverse relation of a medicine administered to the patient. Likewise, if one leads others based on half-baked knowledge or on heresay, it would be potentially bad karma- to be paid for in this life or in later incarnations.I feel myself to be immensely fortunate to be guided by my Sudguru Mahayogi Rajrishi Kapil Advait- the realized master of Himalayan Siddha Yoga – the ancient Indian science of the subtle worlds.  He has, on so many accessions, demonstrated the holy science in front of Media and medical fraternity- in presence of the best in the country.  I am not written this line to tout his name for the following reasons-a) I do not have   to do it since I am his disciple and not a lackey. b) He does not need to be introduced through a small Blog. Millions of people all over the world have had the great fortune to get his blessings and learn from him as per their capacity. I am writing these lines  for the benefit of all those serious Sadhaks who wish to evolve in this lifetime and get a real time presence in the subtle worlds. There are some souls who have got a lot of potential. They are sincere in their efforts but are being short changed by the pseudo Gurus- who are not what they claim to be. Like I always say, all human beings are responsible for their karma.The real concept of God can only be known in the inner psyche when one has evolved beyond the causal plane. I have not achieved the  above state but I intensely believe in it for very many reasons which I cannot describe in this Blog. It takes time, intense effort, past sanskars and most important- the Grace of a Siddha Sudguru. May Mahayogi guide the sincere Sadhaks all over the world, who are on the path? Like Pujya Gurudeva has always said, “Religions are simply organizations to keep the devout in tow”.  They control their devotees to make them follow   their maryada. A spiritualist does not follow any religions but tries to establish direct communion with the divine spark, which is within him. As such, his journey   and effort is internalized. Religions make the person to externalize and as such, cannot fulfill the aspirations of the real Sadhak.  

A spiritualist is concerned about his own evolution- whatever the term may mean to   any one else.
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6:45:00 PMby Ravindra Sehgal