Well, its been a lifetime's experience. Some experiences gained, some truths verified and the real meaning of things gradually starts getting manifested in the inner psyche. On this journey, there have been many saints and mendicants who mostly were not what they promised to be.
Maybe I was initially unlucky in my search or maybe a lot of Karma had to be neutralised before I was accepted by a realised Master. One has to do 'Tapas' so that the inner psyche gets purified, for its only then that the energy of a Master can seep into the disciples' subtle body systems.
Have you read the story of Karma Dorje, who, after getting emancipation was known as Milrepa - the most venerated saint in Tibet? Karma Dorje was put into very hard labour by his Guru Marpa before all the dross was purified. Well, in the present time, the masters are most kind and give knowledge like the Sun gives sunshine to all types of vegetation - good as well as bad. The same applies to a realised Master who will treat the good, the bad and the ugly in the same scale because the Master knows that each one is going through a transient incarnation.
And how often the Master is misunderstood and misquoted for this act of kindness by puny human beings. Those who know about the pearls that are to be found under the guidance of a realised Master are fortunate.
The purpose of this blog is to share some thoughts and experiences found at the feet of a realised Master. A thought process will be triggered in the minds of some of the readers. If this happens, I will consider myself to be thrice blessed.
May my revered Master bless all!