Astrology and karma-I
I read the other day that the zodiac has changed and the astrologers in the west think that a thirteenth zodiac sign needs to be added. Now this, places the whole lot of the presently defined 'astrological science' in a Limbo. This topic interests everyone, be he a king or a commoner, astrology is a must for everyone and the sayings of the so-called ‘Astrologers’ have a considerable impact on the world mind- the collective mind of the world’s human population.
Astrologers of the world- beware- for an irresponsible utterance from you involves Karma. Is it wise to incur the karma – just for a bit of money? I will give a live example to illustrate my point. Many years back there was this person in the city of Nagpur in India, whom we used to call’ Uncle’. He is no more and may the good Lord rest his soul in peace. This individual was fond of asking astrologers of all types about his future. He met an astrologer when he was young and showed his palm as also his horoscope to this person. The astrologer was quite knowledgeable and made certain predictions i.e. that the individual would have three children, one of whom would be retarded and that he will go abroad and make a lot of money etc. this person was thrilled and happy for he was then young and inexperienced. He asked in a light tone as to his age and longevity. The wise astrologer told him that he would not see 66th year of age. The wheel of time moved on and most predictions made 30 years back came true. I met this person when he was running 65th year of his life. He did have a retarded child and was otherwise quite comfortable financially. Besides he had an unmarried daughter. The specter of looming death in every train/air journey gave him immense torture - day in and day out. He lost his health and became grievously sick out of the worry- a cardiac case. It took a lot of doing to convince him as to the rationale of the astrology and that the predictions were not always correct. The only correct science of astrology is said to be the Tibetan science of Kaal Chakra. The knower of this science are too far evolved and would not speak about it to us – puny human beings.
Why did I write this story? We all know that there is a good Lord above, call it law or call it energy- does not matter but one cardinal truth is there-which has always been there- “ The Law of Karma” – which does not spare any one. In this case, the astrologer was the cause of an intense mental torture to this innocent human being. The law of Karma would dictate, that this astrologer would have to pay back ‘With Interest “ the torture caused to someone, by his irresponsible utterance. Hence beware…here you are on a tricky ground. I have had the fortune to be able to see and delve in this subject to some depth and to know what is knowable for a common person, but that is a class apart and it is not my aim or intent to write long blogs on this subject.
However, we have to decide on one basic question. The horoscopes all over the world are cast based on the birth time of the individual. We all rely on the given astrological data to such an extent that all major decisions of life are based on the same, which to my mind is not the correct thing to do. What should be the real birth time?
When the fetus grows, the soul, which is to live in that body would come and go periodically to see that all is well. It is probably like a person periodically going to his house under construction to see that all is well. However, when the development has taken place, the soul, by the divine dictate comes to occupy the body for the final time- said to have finally come across the river of time - to live in the body for the given period called a 'life time'. When this happens, the soul urgently desires to come out in the world. It is at this time that the labor pains start.
Should this be taken as the correct birth time?? Or the time when the child’s head appears first the first time?? Or the time when the whole body is out?? Or the time when the child uttered the first sound?? Or the time when the child took the first breath?? Or the time when the cord was cut to make the child’s life independent of the mother?? ……..and what about the nth number of cesarean deliveries that are done all over the world?
It is an open question as to which of these ‘time’ should be the real time on which a birth chart should be based. I do not know the answer. Maybe someone would be able to find an answer or maybe some astrologer may like to consider the question ands make us illiterates more knowledgeable. Anyway, I do not desire to have an answer, since to a spiritualist, one has incarnated to neutralize KARMA and in the process, the brickbats are as welcome as the garlands - so why worry- just plod on.
The aim of writing this Blog is not to generate a controversy, or to decry the knowledge of astrology or to discredit the astrologers- they are welcome to their livelihood and their Karma. We are all loners – are we not? The aim of this write-up is simply to trigger some thoughts in a few so that they understand and utilize this divine science in the right perspective- duly taking in to account all the subtle forces which surround all of us and which should be taken in to account. More of it later as we go along. I have a few definite thoughts on the subject, which are worth considering. These would help an individual to develop a discriminative mind- a mind that is capable of judging a situation or a subject in the right perspective and take the correct decision on the same in a very long term context- spanning over many incarnations.
It is hardly possible to cover, such a vast subject as this, in a short Blog. As such, I intend to cover this subject under number of articles under the heading ‘ Astrology and Karma. This is the first one in the series. As to when I will be impelled to write the next one, I cannot say. It would depend on the priorities and availability of time for this subject- and of course the intuition has to support the same or else one may make mistake in the expression. Hence, it will be worth it to be in touch with the Blog, if you desire to do so.
The language is such an incomplete and inefficient tool for holistic purpose. When we talk about astrology, we are trying to pry in to the designs of the Lord. If the aim is spiritualistic, there is no harm in doing so. So, may the good Lord bless you all in your journey of Life?
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