As per the Hindu traditions, the souls of one’s forefathers have to be propiated every year. There is a specified period of 15 days within which this needs to be done- so is the belief. There are some who ridicule the idea and think that this is just a waste of time. I do not blame such people. How can you blame a child for being a child? Can you? Surely, the child will grow some day and become more mature as he grows up. In the physical existence, we think that the growth is limited to a few years. However, the spiritualists believe that the growth is an on going process and will continue for eons of time- over thousands of years.
We have to understand this point from the metaphysical angle. We know that a human body is a seven dimensional existence. When the life ends, the physical part is destroyed but the rest remains- to live in a subtle form until it is time for the soul to be reborn again to pay back and enjoy the results of the past karmas. So the endless cycle goes on – until the awareness comes to a soul and one questions the purpose and necessicity of this madness- born out of illusion. When we die and go to subtle realms, we become the Pitars or Pitrus. Different religions pay respects to their departed ones in different ways but the purpose of doing so is essentially the same.
Without going in to the nuances of Himalayan Siddha Yoga, I will come to the main point- the propiation of Pitars (The by gone ancestors)
There are different explanations about the logic of doing the Shraddh on specific dates. As per the subtle anatomy of the Cosmos, it may well be that the Pitars are given a window during this specific period when they are able to get the awareness of the three dimensional world. These subtle states are the realms of light and emotion. Hence, in all religions of the world, the incense sticks and the lamps are lighted in all religious ceremonies.
In certain cases, some of the Pitars (depending on their state of evolution) have got the power to bless their decedents. For example, the Kaal Sarpa Dosha in a horoscope can be removed by propiating the Pitars. I may be writing on Kaal Sarpa Yoga at a later date when I have the time and the inclination to do so.
Many people believe that one should have a formal Puja done by a Panditji for the happiness of the Pitars. It is all a matter of faith and what happiness one can find out of the same. However, faith and science are two different things. One is quite welcome to do what one thinks one should do.
A spiritualist believes that-
a) The Pitars exist in higher and more subtle dimensions (state of Existence)
b) One can touch upon the subtle realms by thought; it is for this reason that Dharna (the focuses d thought) is a basic requirement for all Raj Yoga exercises.
c) When we pray to Lord ( call it a Devi or a Devta), it is by mental thought we do so and we find peace in doing so. The basis of any meditation is thought. The Panditji is also doing the same thing in Sanskrit by reciting some mantras. But his prayers lack emotion, which triggers and act on the higher dimensions. Surely when, one pays respects to one’s parents, the emotion level will certainly be higher then that of a Panditji, who would do the prayer on a commercial basis.
d) Some people do the Shraddh as a matter of duty and want to get it over with by paying some money to the Panditji. This small article is not meant for such people and they better not waste time on reading this – money cannot replace or buy emotions.
e) There is another misgiving that only the eldest child will do the Shraddha, as also that the daughters are barred from doing so. Nothing could be more ridiculous. The male and female difference does not exist at causal and Atmic and higher levels. Anyone can remember and pay respects to his or her Pitars. However, the ladies are barred to do so during their cyclic periods. There is a reason for above and the same can be scientifically explained, but this is not the place and the time to discus the same.
As per the tradition of Himalaya Siddha Yoga, the following must be done by every one for all the ancestors, whether they be on the maternal side or paternal side. Whichever side they be, they have been karmically connected to you. Is it not? The suggested method is as below-
a) Please go to an open space where you can see the sun- do not have to look directly at the sun. Recount and request Sun to be a witness to the Kriya.
b) Close your eyes and invoke all your Pitrus on your mental frame.
c) Do a salutation (pranam) to them.
d) Recite your Guru mantra or surya mantra and after each recital offer the water to the Sun. Do it seven to eleven times
e) Offer the Punya (Merit) of this to your Pitars and mentally say ” I offer the Punya accrued by my this offerings to all Pitars for their peace, happiness and well being. The water offered to the sun should fall in a place where the same is not defiles or stepped upon by anyone.
f) Offer some sweetsd mentally to the Pitars and then ask for their blessings and help for the year to come. This piece of sweet can then be fed to a cow or to the birds.
This Kriya can be done on the day of the last Shraddha, - the Sarv Pitar Shraddha and this should be adequate.
There is different method for the recently departed for the first year. It is only after the first year that they will become the Pitars. It is a separate topic and I will write more on this at a later date.
The Shraddha start from 12 Sept and finish on 27 Sept 2011. The Sarv Pitru Shraddha is on 27th Sept and the above Kriya should be done before 1200 Hrs on 27 Sept 2011.
In the bygone times, the Purohits were highly evolved and they could invoke the departed ones in to their own body system. There was a lot of merit in serving them and taking their blessings at that time. Such exercise were called " Avishkar". In the present times, it is not so. The commercial greed has totally replaced honesty. The religions have replaced spirituality. Hypocrisy has replaced truthfulness
I have nothing against the Panditji. They are doing no harm to anyone by eating at someone's invitation. There is no merit or demerit in feeding someone. Good Luck to them. God has made them so. They also have to earn their livelihood. Is it not?
A million thanks for sharing a way to show our respects to our ancestors...this is the first time i shall be doing this....and i am deeply grateful for your guidance in this regard