
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan - The future and what can be done about it

Japan has gone through a lot of pain and turmoil. I have always appreciated Japanese for their discipline, commitment and all those values, which make them excellent human beings. No Tsunami can put down this wonderful nation. Many a countries including mine can learn a lesson or two from Japan. Make no mistake about it, the Japanese will rise again and life will mostly be on an even keel within a year’s time. May the Lord bless this brave nation-all our prayers are with them. They are going through this tough time without a whimper.

However, the purpose of writing this Blog is different. Many a times isolated events in one’s life are a part of the jigsaw puzzle and at some point of time when all the pieces are in place, the picture becomes clear.  In my case, I ran in to the first part of the jigsaw in the year 1974.  I have always been interested in the esoteric literature-may be there was a past life connection which made me read the mystique with great interest.  I had gone to a bookstore and was casually browsing through the shelves, where a title named “ Shambhala” caught my eye. The book has been written by Andrew Tomas   and the same had been published by four square publication based in UK. This book is now out of print. I am fortunate to have a copy-my prized possession.

Ay the end of the books, the author was taken to one of the Gompa in the far reaches of Sikkim in Indian Union. There is a subterranean pool over there   where an oracle can be invoked. The author was made to look in to the pool and  could see the beautiful blue earth in the inky black sky – like a classic Nasa photograph. As the Lama intoned mantras, the beautiful shell of the earth was surrounded by black, brown and muddy colour smoke. As the oracle was finished, the author was told that he had been given this experience to warn the human beings that their evil and negative thoughts and actions had polluted the earth’s aura and the same will have retribution. The warning looked serious and ominous.
The life moved on and as the time went by, I forgot all about the subject and may be dismissed it as just another prophesy- there are so many of them these days.

The second part of he jigsaw came my way when I ran in to a book named, “ We-The Arcturians”-written by Dr Norma Milanovich. In this book, the beings in fifth dimension contacted Dr Norma through her ESP capability   and gave very convincing answers to various questions put to them. They state that one of their space ships is located in the inner space between earth and moon and they would like to help the mankind by raising the understanding of humanity about the subtle truths. This book made a lot of impact and set one to think seriously about the subject.
The third part of the jigsaw came my way in the recent past when I was roaming around in Badrinath area. It is holiest of the holy place for Hindus and many an ancient adepts are said to be visiting this area.  I had a chance meeting with a gentlemen in white  who appeared to be   a renunciant but not a sadhu. Sadhus you find, a dime a dozen there but this one was different. He had a quiet dignity about him and his gaze was full of power. There is no point in  describing all nitty girttys of this chance meeting. Amongst many things he talked about yoga , mankind and the human karma. He made a statement which I reproduce as below…
  I  would advice the one on spiritual path to do the Karma with a sankalpa. It is perfectly possible to be rid of the Karma. One has to learn to pay back the Karmic dues happily to become free of the debts.  Remember that a Sadhak never stops but ever moves on   in the path of Sadhana.  You will come across nothingness and you have to go beyond   this also.  It is your conscious mind, which makes you run here and there. When it happens , just put yourself aloof and start watching the mind from distance and the mind will settle down.

The earth is on the brink of massive destruction.  The Rishis   and the Himalayan Siddhas want the existence of the human species to continue.  As to what where and who will be destroyed is not hidden in the future vale of time- it is in the hand of humanity.  The use of the atomic weapons is not the cause of worry.  The danger lies in the changes in the great depths near core of the earth.  It is much more dangerous than the global warming.  The human level of understanding the esoteric truths will also increase for some.  There will be change in the genes. The Himalayan Siddhas would like to help but the human beings will have to make efforts to save their  only home-the earth.  This is   the minimum that can be expected from the human race.  There will be excessive rains and floods as also massive volcanic   activity along with the earthquakes.  Mahakaal has woken up. The clarion call has been made   and the nature is getting progressively violent. Who knows how much time is left. But those who know, what are they waiting for?  This is the time of “Sadhana”.  There is virtually no time left.

I was stunned for a while and asked this evolved person as to what ordinary persons like me should do to help. He somehow know that I know Pranic Healing and said, “ Practice Twin heart Meditation and bless the earth   and visualize   that   the aura of the earth is becoming bright white or golden yellow and   the grey band of sick energy is dissipating. 

To simplify the matter- you do not have to learn the Twin heart healing technique. The practice above simply means that you can close your eyes and  visualize   the round ball of the earth   and feel that a band of electric violet light sounds the same and that the grey and muddy brown energy is getting cleansed. Anyone can do it, while travelling in a train or whenever there is nothing else to do. One has to make it a habit to stay in this frame of mind- it will help and do a lot of good to you as also to the world.

The jigsaw is complete at my level of understanding and I would take the advice very seriously. In my case I have had the fortune to be guided by the world Master HH Rajrishi Kapil Advait (Pilot Babaji), the Mahayogi from Siddha Bhumi Himalayas.  As one progresses in serious Sadhana, many a questions are resolved.  However, this is not the forum to write about that.

In the meantime, it is  each one for his own Karma. God Bless and all the best

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