
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Your Destiny is in your mind

Few things in life leave a lasting impression on the self ,so much so, that the moment becomes defined lasting point in your evolution. I like to travel by train since I prefer a train journey  over the Air travel. For one, I am not in a hurry and for the second, I can internalize myself. I normally try to shut the eyes and the ear portals and sink in to myself. I am a  basic recluse and do not encourage any conversation.  What does a Sadhak wants? He wants all the time   that he can muster to be with his inner self. When not internalized, a Sadhak listens more and speaks less. One wonders why people speak so much- most of the time they do it needlessly- it is just that they have aligned themselves to their external mind-which drives them.
I remember a particular train journey about 40 years back, which left a lasting impression on my young mind.  This journey was different. An elderly gentleman was talking to his friend who was worried about some mundane problem. He said –
“ The Cosmic Department store is open on 24x 7 basis
All the shelves are loaded with goodies
Pick up anything that you want
There are no guards or CC TV cameras to stop you from picking up whatever you desire
But there is a condition-
Pay the Price and take what you wish to take.
He continued, “ The price has to be paid before a chosen thing is yours”. His companion asked as to what was the price to be paid. He replied,” The price is to be paid by a constant yearning about the chosen inject.
I was quietly listening   and thinking on the importance and the practicability of what he had said. They continued their conversation and the topic almost ended when, on an impulse, I decide to butt in. I joined the issue and the ensuing conversation was as below-
Me- I have heard what you said with great interest but there are a couple of questions that need to be resolved.
He- Please goes ahead. What are the questions? I will try to answer the same as best as I can.
Me-If what you said is true; a person wishing hard enough could become the president of India. Will it be so?
He- Yes and No.
Me-Why yes and Why No?
He- It could only happen if an evolved Siddha wished it to happen by using his Sankalpa.  There should be a purpose for doing so that fits in to the divine plan. There is nothing beyond Himalayan Siddhas, who play with the nature like a child plays with a football.
Me- Then why don’t they do it?
He- It is so because material gains/losses, success/ failure does not affect or interest them. These are not pseudo so called Gurus of today. These are evolved beings that have crossed the defining line between the physical and the subtle worlds and much beyond. If you looked at   the life with a 10,000 years perspective, the mundane events of today would hardly interest you. Is it not?  They do not interfere with nature but there are many instances when they do it for a divine purpoe.
Me- What about the yes part?
He- Yes – you can achieve whatever you wish to achieve- but   within the limits.
Me – Meaning…
He- If there is laborer whose maximum potential is to achieve a middle class life in this incarnation- He can do so. He can never become Tycoon like Birla and Tata. Our Prarabdh limits us all. Is it not?  Even the best of Rajyoga in his astrological cart will see that he gets promoted to the post of a mate from the ordinary laborer.
Me- What is the definition of yearning for a thing?
It means living with he idea of what ever you want all the way – round then clock – like a mantra.
Me- How soon one can expect to get the results?
He- It depends on your capacity of your visualization/meditation/metal power.
(These words did not have much meaning for me at that point of time)
Me- What do you mean live with the idea?
He- It means that the idea is never away from your thoughts.
Me – It should be easy.
He- Far from it – just try.
The duo got down at Jhansi   and left me pondering on the subject for most of the night.I have always been of the inquisitive and then investigative type- always ready to try out any theory –mostly on myself.
Destiny gave me a chance to do so. It was 1980   and a close relative of mine so desperately go to Zambia. This country was doing quite well in those days and the currency Kwacha was quite stable in the International Market.  She always had a lot of faith in what I said. I suggested to her what I had learnt and suggested that   she lived with this idea. In due course of time, the nature will create a situation that will fulfill her desire. The cycle of time went by She regularly lived the idea – almost round the clock. After about three years, a situation was created by which the family did go to Zambia and stayed about 15 years over there.  She has since gone to her heavenly abode and may the Lord bless her soul for she was a good and pious souls- She was  and still is close to my heart. Life moved on.   Once I was accepted and guided by my Pujya Gurudeva- Mahayogi Kapil Advait, many a things became clear-
a)     That there are subtle worlds
b)   That a creation can be made in the Astral worlds- for good as also for the bad. The Devas got the power for the good and the Asuras did it for destructive purpose.
c)   That once a creation is made in astral, it is bound to fruity in the physical plane- this world of three dimensions
The above truth opens vast possibilities and sets one to think-
a)   The format of a Physical disease must be created in astral before the same manifests in Physical
b)    If the above is true, it should be possible to treat the same at astral level to give relief or to hasten the relief in the Physical domain.
If only the present day Egoistic medical fraternity and the greedy Multinationals will allow the divine knowledge to dovetail   with what little they know so far- it could hasten the process of cure. What a pity that these egoistic minds are closed.  I do not deny that there are many good doctors but most I met were foolishly egoistic and treated their poor patients like dirt- using steroids on unsuspecting humans to gain cheap popularity. What awaits these ones in after death states – one just shudders to think- what a Pity?
Coming back to the subject matter- the above question belongs to Himalaya Siddha Yoga on which only a Sudguru, who has access to the higher worlds, can guide and comment- such a feat would be impossible for charlatans who masquerade in the present times as a realized master.
If there was a Sadhak who was prepared to jump in the river of time and make strenuous efforts for self evolution- the effort will be well rewarded. To achieve success in this, the guidance of a Sudguru is a must.Some people say, “ Why bother about evolution? What is Evolution, -anyway?”
The answer is, “ God Bless these souls. This Blog is not for them and they should not waste their precious time on these things”.May be they will be closer to the truth the next time. There is next Incarnation as yet and anyway what is the hurry? Is it not?

- Ravindra Sehgal

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