Two persons were discussing the Lord.
One said, what a mess. The Lord must be a very humorous person
(Of Course the Lord cannot be described as a person)
The other one asked, " why do you say so?"
The first one replied," Look at what a wide range of humanity he has created". There are the white, black and yellow ones- the lean and the plump ones- the good, the bad and the ugly ones- name any shape, size and the quality you wish to- you will all find them on the planet. It is also said that each human being has the quality of some or the other of animal, bird or marine life. There are the cruel ones like a tiger, the venomous ones like a snake, the crafty ones like a fox, slimy ones like a fish, wise like an elephant, the innocent ones like a cow and the evil tempered ones like a bear with a very bad headache early in the morning. You can add on to the list if you wish to. However, the aim of this Blog is not to make a fun of us human species-to which I myself belong.
The question arises as to," Why we are what we are? The answer is that," It is an X factor, which makes us different from another person in our attitudes, reactions and the temperament".
Different religions of the world try to explain this in their own way. Some say, " That we have sinned and therefore we are what we are". Another one says that it is the Devil, which gets in to us and makes us do what we do. The Hindus put all the above causes in to a convenient basket of Prarabhda or the accumulated past Karma and be done away with it – thereby start begin irresponsible for their Karma now. Karma is a hugely misquoted and misunderstood term. Again the aim of this Blog is not to write a thesis on the merit and the demerits of the contemporary religions.
My Revered Sudguru Mahayogi Raj Rajrishi Kapil Advait (Pilot Baba) has always taught us that the religions are mere organizations with having a set of rules defining Do’s and Don’ts to keep their flock in tow and to make sure that there is some discipline in the human society-as also to keep the leaders egoistically and financially happy. This applies to all the religions of the world. They aim to make us all become what they think is their definition of a good human being.
A Spiritualist does not bother much about religion, as also what is good or bad. He goes through both these opposites like a knife goes through butter. Both the good and bad deeds are binding and we create good and bad times for ourselves through these. A prisoner in a jail is a prisoner and he is always unhappy. It does not matter if the chains in the jail are made of iron or of gold. A chain is a chain. A prisoner in a jail is always unhappy – for he has heard about there freedom outside the jail and he yearns for the same. The bondage is the eternal cycle of birth and death is like a prison.
Coming back to our question in this Blog-" Why we are we what we are- as also, what about Prarabdh? Our prarabdh is the blueprint of stored subtle energy in the subtle space- to be enjoyed in this birth. It is just like a recorded CD being played in a computer. How to re- write this CD or to be able to modify it a little bit? All religions tell us to good karma and hence improve our lot. Some of these sects tell us to propiate this or that deity and make the deity happy so that the doer is rewarded with all the goodies of life.
Most of the so-called gurus of today tell you about "what this or that scripture has said". Some believe that by just reading or reciting these, is good enough. Others think that singing songs praising a deity or a long gone Guru will do the trick. No doubt that all the above activities are evolving and may have their merit but these are too slow to achieve the desired results in one single incarnation.
Himalaya Siddha Yoga as defined, known and practiced and taught by Pujya Gurudeva is a science with the following attributes-
The human body is a wonderful system comprising of many levels of subtlety
a) That there is an energy matrix all round us, which is capable of interacting with our subtle bodies as also with the physical body.
b) The right type of energy of this matrix can be made to interact with our subtle systems to achieve the desired results
c) That the above energy matrix follows well defined rules. It is a very specific science not to be trifled with as is being done by some of the worldly gurus, who are giving bits of it to the gullible public. I have given a live example and given a case study of the same in my earlier Blog titled as Himalayan Siddha Yoga – The Gift of Himalayan Siddhas to Humanity
d) That there is no gain without pain one should be ready to devote time and effort to gain this priceless knowledge. In real time spiritual practices, there are no quick fix solutions. Like Einstein said that the secret of his success was 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration.
e) To gain the above knowledge one has to become a disciple and not a devotee. There is a great difference between the two and the same has been explained on page no 4 on Nav Nirman Volume-1 (Please see our web site
f) That each sickness whether the same be physical or mental is caused due to some aberration in one of the subtle bodies of the person.
The above being so, the Himalaya Siddha Yoga, in it’s true form, opens unlimited possibilities for an aspirant and many more-
a) To be able to know define the real nature of energy and the laws governing it
b) To be able to apply the energy formats to the subtle existences of an individuals for the desired effects in the physical plane
c) In case of evolved Sadhaks, it is absolutely possible and quite natural to be able to negate the effects of the past karma by certain specific practices, to be learnt at the feet of a realized master.
d) One has to understand the logic and the science of the ‘cause and effect’ as one evolves.
The term- evolution, cannot be described fully in the Vaikhari- the spoken language. The spoken and the written language is such an incomplete tool to express anything, which is subtle. Science has been trying to reach more and more subtle levels- like Nano particle and suspected sub particles, as also suspected world of Anti matter. Science may take a few centuries to find some truth in the coming centuries. A Himalayan Siddha Yogi is already there and much beyond- for he has had a real time experience of these subtlest states while he is in Samadhi and beyond.
There is a lot of strife in the world today due to degraded human behavior. There is a lot of imbalance in the subtle body systems of individuals to make them behave in a Tamasic and irrational way. To give an example-
a) The emotional disturbance and imbalance can be treated though the application of specific energies on to the emotional body of the individual.
b) The prarabdh can be altered, modified or completely erased through the causal body
c) The thought process can be modified by the interaction of energy on the mental body. There is a cosmic law- "Thought precedes matter" As such, if the world thought was changed, the world will become a better place to live in. This is a sattvik way to cleanse a very sick planet without destruction and bloodshed
d) The real nature of God can only be known after one has known and identified him with the Atmic level and beyond. Anyone describing the Lord before achieving the above state would be like the story of six blind men and an elephant.
The planet earth is very sick. This earth needs many persons to come forward and learn the divine science of Himalayan Siddha Yoga at the feet of a realized master- a Sudguru. It is the due of all human beings for the mother earth as also to the future generations of our own species. It is not too late to do so even at this late a stage.
What has been written above if the total truth from my puny level of understanding.
May Pujya Gurudeva bless and guide all the evolving souls and all the Sadhaks who are searching for the real knowledge and striving on the path
Aum Namo Narayan
- Ravindra Sehgal
These Blogs are written in the interest of what I think is public service- to change the mind set of people so that the world becomes a better place to live in. If you have liked this Blog, it will be a very good Karma, if you join this holy task and spread these blogs on to others on your mailing list through face book, twitter or any such portal.
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