It is a well-known fact that we have two minds – The conscious mind and the sub conscious mind. The conscious mind is just a very small fragment as compared to the sub conscious mind. It can be truly said that the sub conscious mind is the portal to the higher worlds and perceptions. The sub conscious mind is the one, which is responsible for running the body system, and interprets the intelligence imbibed in the genes.
The conscious mind is capable of giving the directions and the sub conscious mind is designed to carry out the instructions given to it. Like a computer or an automated machine, it can follow faithfully the impressions that are given to it. The border between the conscious mind and the sub conscious mind is the time when we are just about to drift to the sleep and it manifests at the time of twilight or the border line when we are just entering the sleep stage. The reason is very simple. For the sub conscious to come up and be felt, the conscious has to go dormant. This is exactly what happens when one is about to sleep and the conscious mind is at the lowest activity at that time. The other method is to artificially induce the alpha state in the mind when the vibrations are from 4 to 7 cycles per second. Equipment can be designed to achieve this state artificially and it had been my dream to do so.
However, in my case this is not at all necessary now, since following the percepts of Himalayan Siddha Yoga at the feet of my Revered Gurudeva, Mahayogi Pilot Babaji, much better and perfect results have been achieved without any instrumentation. Himalayan Siddha Yoga puts one in total command of his material, emotional and the other affairs of material and subtle lives in perfect coordination and balance. Many How’s and Whys at my level of understanding stand answered. This small article is for those who are not in to serious practice but are living a common humdrum life.
But if someone had the time and put in the necessary effort, it would be well worth the effort all the way. In my own life, I do not have the time to spare to develop some instrumentation. When the Lord wishes it to happen, some one or the other will get the inspiration to do so and it will then happen.
The sub conscious mind can be activated by Yogic practices, which essentially touch upon, Brmharandhra and certain sensitive points on the skull. The same result can also be achieved by stimulation of Pineal Gland. The pineal gland of a child is soft and active and a child is ruled more by his subconscious mind. As one grows up, this gland, which acts as the interface of the physical and the subtle worlds, becomes atrophied and we thereby use a wonderful tool of evolution. It has been so simply described by me but in reality it is not that simple, since everything’s interconnected in the subtle worlds. I have just mentioned d the above subject in the passing and it is too serious a subject to be trifled with. In Himalayan Siddha Yoga , there are minor exercises like ”Yog Nidra” which are much more effective in getting in touch with the subconscious mind.
Since the sub conscious mind is in touch with the cosmos (being finer than the conscious mind) hence it is at a finer plane of existence- and being in touch with the cosmos, it can create and generate those kind of vibrations which will yield the desired results- Hence the sub conscious mind has a great to do with success and the realization of ones desires.
The biggest enemy and hindrance to the above is what we call our “will power”. The so called ‘will power’ stimulates the conscious mind and once the conscious mind is stimulated, the sub conscious mind goes dormant and becomes incapable of receiving the impressions that we desire to give it. The 'will power' also carries lot of Ego and a feeling that I have done this or that and I will do this or that. The stimulated conscious mind is not in effective touch with the astral and higher worlds and is close to the physical world. Hence it is incapable to achieve those results, which can be generated by agitating the higher spheres- which only the sub conscious mind can do.
To get the best results from the sub conscious mind, one has to develop an egoless child like nature. A child has no ego or the sense of being a doer. A child believes that the food will come and the nature makes sure that it comes. A child has a dream since childhood to be something and if the same is not spoiled by the conscious mind, these dreams come true. Let this statement not be misunderstood by some foolish adult minds. Let me clarify that a childlike nature is not a license for inaction or avoiding one’s duty in a given situation.
Sleep is the best time when sub conscious mind comes as close to the physical plane as possible and these visualization techniques should be used at that Tim e to create the necessary vibrations in to the astral world. Many people laugh these things off. It is not at all wise to do so. Proof of the pudding is in eating. So without a trial, unbelieving something is not at all wise.
These facts are known from the experiences obtained in the higher states of meditation and are intuitive in nature and hence no physical proof of these things can be given. It is like the taste of a Mango which cannot be described. One can know the quality of the taste only when one eats it. Those who have got to know of these things in small or big degree are to be believed in the first instance - after which one tries for himself and finds the truth of these things. One has to find one’s own truth. If one does not find the truth even after trying for the same, then the concept describing the truth can always be thrown in a waste paper basket. There is nothing to lose and it is a win –win situation for the practitioner.
But to throw the concept in waste paper basket without even a fair trial is totally unwise and not in your interest since you have to gain so much from these things. My revered Gurudeva, Mahayogi Pilot Baba has always said that the conscious mind is a tool or a servant given to us. Over the past so many incarnations, this servant has became the owner and has taken over guiding us and the subtle realities- the soul element and the inner mind have all receded in to background. What is Sadhana? It is the process whereby we try and reestablish the supremacy of the inner mind and all our manifested and the subtle activities are to be ruled by the inner mind. It is up to us to decide which side we are on. It has to be a conscious decision and the decision in the conscious mind is to be the start point. Of course, there are regimes, Kriya and disciplines that can be learnt at the feet of a Mahayogi. This needs total one pointedness and commitment.
Not all can do the above since there are many obstacles on the way. These are mostly made by the conscious mind. Some of the examples are-
a) The aspirant may belong to a different faith
b) The individual may be a slave to his logics and all that he has so far learnt in this life time
c) He may accede to the suggestion of the conscious mind that it is too early to dabble in these things. Let one finfish his /her mundane duties and when one retires, one can then proceed on the path.
d) One may have too much Karmic load and be a slave to the material desires
e) He may be deluded for this or that practice given by someone who is himself not evolved. I have given a case study in one of my blogs posteed a few days back, in which I have described the plight of an Israeli aspirant who wasted eight precious years of his life following a pseudo Guru, who did not know the depth of what he was teaching based on his bookish knowledge
f) The person may have a very powerful mind, which may be driven by logics derived from the many years of this incarnation. The sheer logics stop the person from achieving the best. It is such a pity since people with powerful minds and a highly developed mental body have all the possibilities of exponential progress but in this case this well developed powerful mind is the biggest enemy. It is such a pity and no feels so helpless to be able to do antrhing for these kinds. It is like someone sinking in the sea and a helpline is thrown and the person refuses to take the same- the conscious mind driving the Ego stop these ones.
g) There might be the ones who are yet so undeveloped some as not to understand what I am talking about. They will have to wait for many more incarnations before they wake up to subtle realities.
There can be nth reasons, which I do not know and as such cannot describe. Whatever category one may belong to, but we all humans want success and a happy life. As such whichever faith you may belong to, it will do no harm if you read and practice what is written in succeeding paras. Science is not to be confused with religion. A scientist can be a Hindu, Sikh, Moslem or a Christian. A scientist is a scientist. Religion and faith denotes your own very personal equation with the Lord or your concept of the Lord. Science is based on the principles and the laws under which the energy operates.
A simple exercise below will do nothing but good to all under all circumstances. This has got nothing to do with religion. As such one must develop the art of sending the conscious signals to the SC Mind. If I asked you as to how many feet do you have-the answer would be two. You do not need to look at the feet to decide that you have two feet. Hence visualization is not a matter of seeing the subject matter in minds screen. (Not in the initial stages in any case). It is a matter of awareness, like you are aware of the two feet.
When one goes to sleep, one should do conscious relaxation of each body part- which means start from the feet and feel they are relaxed and then work upwards until you reach the head portion. The whole exercise should take only 5 minutes for your purpose at this point of time to reach a semi relaxed state. At this point visualize (means to be aware) of the desired result and while visualizing so, drift off to sleep.
The SC Mind vibrates at the cosmic frequency and once these signals/commands reach the sc mind-these are, as it were, broadcasted to the entire cosmos and then the miracle happens- in that whatever you have visualized, the same format comes in to being. In this way one can realize ones goals whether these are spiritual as also material.
A cancer patient to visualize that the bad effect of chemotherapy are going away can use this method. The SC mind knows how to run the body machine. It will do so when it gets positive signals for doing so. Children can also be taught to improve their performance in academics by using the creative visualization.
Most important, once this becomes a habit, one does not have to consciously do so and it becomes a way of life to become a foundation stone for future spiritual or material practices. Like I mentioned above, it is a science and has got nothing to do with religions.
I hope I have been able to convey what i wished to convey and that this would do you all a lot of good in many ways.........i have not known it to fail.........however perseverance is the key.
Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya- So says the ancient Vedas. It is prayer to be led from the darkness to Light. May the Lord bless each human being with a discriminative mind?
Aum Namo Narayana
- Ravindra Sehgal
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