
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Why the Shraddha must be done- Part II


Why the Shraddha must be done- Part II

I had   written a Blog a couple of days back (titled as Shraddha Part -1) on this subject.  I am writing this again in a bit of a hurry since the Pitri paksh (The time for propiate the ancestors) is to start in a few days time.   In my last Blog, I had given my humble suggestions, as to how the same should be done.  In the above Blog, I had described a method for doing the Shraddha of the departed, who have expired more than a year ago i.e. before Shraddha dates of 2010.  I had   mentioned that there is a different procedure to do for those who have expired from the above date to now.

It is important   to understand the process of dying and immediate ‘after death’ states. All religions of the world have some or the other system, by which the just released soul, is to be guided to find its place in the astral regions.  In the Tibetan lore, the departed soul is called ‘Bardo’.  There are fairly detailed rituals to be done for a period of 12 days after the death - to guide the soul in the astral realms.  There is an excellent book on the subject- “ The Tibetan book of the dead” wherein after death states have been described in detail. Similarly, the Hindu religion has a book called “ Garud Puran’ wherein detailed description of the process is mentioned.  Somewhat similar methods are there in all the religions

From a spiritualist angle, the following process takes place-

a) The Prana is withdrawn to the Brmharandhra (A subtle portal at the top of the skull). As the life force ebbs, the circulation of the blood in the body system gradually stops   and the blood pressure keeps on falling, causing death.
b) The soul gets the awareness of its subtle state and virtually stands next to the dead body wondering what to do. It has lived and used this body system over a lifetime and as such, it desperately wants to re enter the body. However, as per the law of the nature, the same is not possible.
c) The soul is yet connected to the physical body- since the subtle thread of Dhnanjay Pran, still connects it to the body. The soul finds itself alone and can see and feel   the wailing   and sorrow of the relatives.  It desperately wants to tell   the weeping relatives, that all is well and that death is a mere change of state.   However, since   there are no speech organs in that state, it is unable to convey this to the mourners.  It feels utterly helpless.
d) When the   body is taken for the cremation, the soul also floats besides the coffin.  At crematorium, there are other entities in a similar state and some of this start bothering the newly released soul (Unless the soul is that of an evolved Sadhak). At this time, there is an acute feeling of thirst. The grieving relatives must place a separate pitcher of water for the departed and for this, the departed is immensely grateful.
e) The body is then cremated and the Kapal Kriya (breaking of the skull) is done.  Once the skull structure is broken, the last connection with the body is destroyed and the soul finds itself absolutely lonely and helpless, since the known environments   are not there and the future seems so foreboding and uncertain.
f) After the cremation, the ashes are immersed   and Pinda Daan done. The soul is now free from the physical, but its attachments to its worldly environments do not allow it to ascends and move further.

It is   at his point of time   that the decedents should do the following Kriya-
a) Go to a   calm and secluded spot   when the sun has ascended a bit say before 12 00 Hrs.  Take some water in a water bottle as also sweets and fruit.  Recite a mantra   three times while offering water to the sun.  If you have a Guru, you should recite the Guru mantra. If not, you can recite Surya mantra, Shiva mantra or Gayatri mantra.
b) Pray to   the Sun or any deity in which you have the faith like Lord Rama, Krishna, and Shiva and request them to be witness to this Kriya and help in the   same.
c) Sit down at a   quiet place, light an Agarbatti (Incense), go to the meditative mode   and with all humility, invoke   and address your departed and mentally say,  “ I, your …………………hereby release you from   the effects of all the karmas that I may have done   for you.  By the grace of............................. You are free now   and you may, as per the Law of nature, proceed to your designated place in the cosmos.
d) In the same posture, say, “ I………………….., your …………., release myself from the effect of all the Karma that you may have   done for me. Now I free you to move on to   your destiny as per the will of the Lord.
e) Speak your mantra mentally   and with each chant offer the water to the Sun God and pray that these offerings may give peace to the departed and help him along with his journey.  Do it 7 to 11 times.
f) Having done so, reaffirm as, “I…………………, offer the merit of the offering just made to you for your peace   and evolution.  I also offer you the fruits and incense. Please accept these offerings and move on to your journey, since your connection to this physical domain ends here. If you have any desire left, please appear in our dream state and we will try (Never say I will) our best to fulfill   the same.
g) After   this, sit in meditation for a while and   then get up   and feed the fruits   to a cow or leave it at   a place where the birds can eat the offerings.

These simple steps will go a long way for the propiation and to show directions to the departed. It is a ridiculous belief that   the ladies are debarred   from doing this or any such Puja. Of course, the ladies should not do any such Kriya during their periods.  There is a reason for the same and this is not the place to explain the same.

When   someone leaves the body, there is sorrow all round. In effect, only a handful of the crowd feels the deep pangs of sorrow. For some, the life is never the same again. In such a case, I would advice that they should take a mixture of the flower remedies called  “ Star of Bethleham” and  “Walnut” mixed together in a single bottle- to be taken 8 to 10 drops   in half a glass of water three times a day for about a week.  The sense of sorrow will go away and individual will be able to move on the road of life to fulfill his karma.

Karma is bondage and it entraps a soul in to eternal rounds of life and physical death.  One cannot be free of these eternal cycles of karma, life and death, unless one knows the method to undo the bondage. There are methods to do this and achieve emancipation in a single lifetime. But this needs commitment, one’s own effort and the grace of Mahayogi - The realized master and a Himalayan Siddha.

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