
Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to go in  the presence of your Mentor

My guide , friend   and philosopher is my Pujya Gurudeva- Rajrishi Kapil Advait , known to the word as ‘Mahayogi Pilot Baba’.  In the earstwhile material life, he has been a very brave fighter Pilot in the Indian Airforce-A twice decoratd war hero-breavest of the brave. In spiritual life also, he has been bravest of the brave. It is not an easy  thing to donate one’s vast estates   and the princely material assets -  to go away in the High Himalayas- penniless  and without any resource whatsoever.  On introspection, I find   that I could not have done it. I am not a coward but I am not the bravest of the brave either. A very very few of us can dare to go in the search of the unknown. How many Sadhus of today dare to leave   the sancturi of the Ashrams  and go in to wilderness of jungles and mountains without bothering  whether  they would live or perish in the search?  Once I am through with my responsibilities - or what I think are my responsibilities, I would not mind giving it a try. The experience will be worth it all the way-something an earth bound material mind will consoider to be foolishness.

He is my mentor. Who is a mentor?  A mentor is the one who modulates  or in whose guidence,one gets modulated in thought , action and behaviour.  This can  happen to you- only if you are a disciple   and not a devotee of your Sudguru. If you read the holistic books published on the web (as  also on Kindal format) by Mahayog Foundation through Nav Nirman Publication trust, the difference between the two would be obvious.  A disciple follows the teachings of his revered Sudguru  and tries to inbibe  the same in his real life. It is not a matter of saying - but a matter of doing. Lip service  and insincerity would not do.  One has to be totally sincere -for the grace to flow in to one’s being.  I am privilaged , honoured   and proud to be the disciple of  the Mahayogi- a world master. 

The intent of this blog is not to propagate my Master’s name for two reasons- firstly, I am not a lackey of my teacher-I am his disciple.  Secondly, he does not need any introduction.  Millions all over the planet have found spiritual progress following his teachings. These fortunate ones do their Sadhana- incognito and hidden from the sight of the world. In my happiness of having found the holy grail-It is entirely human to try and share the same with the fellow human beings.

Sitting at his feet is an honour and a divine experience. Most people come to him with a cluttered mind planning to what  favors can be got from him- divine intersession for  their material needs. There are others who come out of curiocity to see what happens. There is the third kind, who come full of deciet  and intent to cheat.  They would show great reverence  buu their actions will be nothng short of criminality.

Some one has said, “ The good Lord must be having a great sense of humour- for, look at how much variety in humanity he has created in this world. Each indivisual is different fom the other.  These poor lowly creatures have no idea of the damage they do to their Karma-with consequent effects in   the time to come. The three dimensional body ssytem will drop off one day. Is it not?  and after  that- what? 

If one goes to Mahayogi, one should not speak much  but sit quietly and listen to whatever he says- for there is  Himalayan Siddha knowledge in his spoken word. Sit quietly and savor   the flow of energy  and take what you can assimilate- you will progress exponantially.

For those who go for material favors to him- I remember the story of a begger who went to a king for help.  The king was kind   and asked  the man as to what he wanted? The poor man wanted a good meal and some money. It was a pity- for the king would have given the man whatever he would have asked for.

One has to shed the ego  and go to the Sudguru without Ego- a child has no ego about him. A child like approach to your Sudguru is a must , if you wish to have his grace.  I remember a story  I had read somewhwere-God bless whoever told this story-for this has got a lot of sense in it.

 There was a sadhu who did intense Tapasya  for 12 years. One of the Gods was happy  and appeared in front of this sadhu and offered to give a boon to him. The sadhu was full of ego  and  so sure of his Karma.  He told   the Lord, “O Lord.  I do not want anything specific- judge my actions  and give  me the result of the same. The Lord asked him, “ What have you been doing for the past 12 years”.  The sadhu replied,”Lord , you know that I have done meditation  sitting on this rock for 12 years”. The good Lord replied- “ You have desired to have the result of your action-so be it. You have sat on this rock for 12 years   and now this rock will sit on you for the next 12 years.

This story may or may not be true- most likely to be a parable to deliver a message only-but the fact remains that the Ego is the first stumbling block on the way. The Sudguru would  test you in many a ways  to see if you have shed your ego or not   and knowingly put you in many a situations  where your ego will be ruffled  and try to rebel. At such times,  a Sadhak , removes   his Ego by applying the knowledge found  at the feet of a realized master.

What a Divine game- The relationship of a Sudguru with his   disciple. The Sudguru watches over the disciple like a mother would to her favorite child and the child is smug under   the benevalent gaze.

1 comment:

  1. guru govind dou khare kaake laggon paaye
    balihari guru aapne govind deo bataye
