
Monday, January 10, 2011

The Need to be Healthy

My revered master has always advised serious Sadhaks to look after the body vehicle; since this is the only medium through which the divine expresses it in three dimensions. If the body vehicle is sickly, it cannot assimilate the divine energy.  The evolutionary road becomes very long for a sick vehicle. One might say that many renowned saints in the past were sick. Ramakrishna Paranhansa   and Ramanna Maharishi were sick for extended periods   before they cast off their mortal frames. However, they were a class apart and their sickness was probably due to taking over someone else’s Karma.  In case of Ramakrishna, he took pity on one of his disciples, who had served him well and therefore the saint took over the Karma of the disciple and had to pay the price. Point to note is that all these great ones did not die helplessly but cast off their body shell at their own sweet will. Their bodies suffered but they did not die until   they wished to leave this world of three dimensions-a matter of choice for them.

Anyway, I am digressing from the main topic. Even if are not inclined towards “Desire for Evolution”(Whatever this term may mean to you) and wish to enjoy the pleasures of the worldly life, you still need a healthy body to do so. Hence, whether you are a spiritualist or an atheist, you all would desire to have a healthy body vehicle.

The above being so, one must devote time and effort to learn what can be learnt to keep the body system fit. Making this statement opens  ‘Pandora’s Box’.  As I go along and express my opinion, some comments are inevitable. Some of these may be useful whereas some others may be outright illogical.  Fortunately, a Blog is one-way traffic and I am not bound to react or to answer these.   Each one for himself and welcome to his search- like I was welcome to my search.  As such, fully knowing the risks involved- getting garlands or the brickbats, I have decided to say what I must-for what I think is common good.  The garlands or the brickbats do not interest me or affect me one   way or the other. These are irrelevant for a ‘Sadhak’.  I do not care- and why should I care?  We are all loners in our Spiritual journey-are we not?

However, there is a guiding star that guides, corrects, encourages and looks after you in many ways in subtle realms in the form of a real Sudguru  (and   not the pseudo ones you find these days a dime a dozen) - if you are fortunate to have one. I have my Sudguru, known to the world as “ Rajrishi Kapil Advait” also popularly known as “Pilot Baba”. I feel smug under his benevolent and divine umbrella.  I am his   disciple and not a devotee. To know the difference between a disciple and a devotee, please read page number 4 of “Nav Nirman-The message of Himalayan Siddhas” volume1 printed by Navnirman Publication trust.

Hence, you should read    the series of Blogs to come, with an open mind. If you find these useful, do imbibe the same in your lives.  If not, I am sure you have a dustbin in your house where   these can be discarded. I am sure all of us have a mental dustbin within us, wherein useless information can be discarded and erased.

The good Lord has not made me a doctor and it would be inappropriate for me to take on the role, which the lord did not allot to me.  However, there is no bar on collecting   and using knowledge to one’s advantage and sharing the same with the fellow human beings for their good – and this is what I precisely intend to do.  I must apologize fro straying from the topic at hand.

What is disease?  Disease is an imbalance in the body system. The human body is a beautifully complicated system.  Most people cannot think of the human body beyond the three dimensional physical form.  In reality, the human body is a complete system consisting of the gross and the subtle. The great ancient yogis from the holy land of India knew of this and treated the whole as a complete system, of which the physical body was just a part.  Our sages have said,” Yatha Bramhandey tatha Pinday” i.e. the gross human body is thee microcosm of the universe as also there is a miniature replica of the universe in our body system at as subtle level. On the same scale, the gross human body can be compared to a ‘Nation’ and all the body cells would be akin to its citizens.  If some citizens do not obey the law or are beyond the rule of the law, the society becomes sick and decays.  In a similar fashion, if some of the cells in the human body do not obey the cosmic program of the mutation, they make a colony, which continues to grow with more of these- resulting in ‘Cancer’.  A society can also become cancerous.  We will dwell on such matters in future blogs.

The Lord has given us many bounties-if only we cared to look for the same.  Each plant and vegetation has a relation with the human life in some or the other way. For example “Cassia Fistula” – known as “Amaltas in India has profound curative effect on healing constipation, common cold, fevers including black water fever, skin disorders, lack of taste etc and many more. Similarly Elletaria Cardamomum also known as “Choti Elaichi” is useful for digestive disorders, bad breath, genito- urinary disorders, and depression, Hiccups etc.

Some of the flowers have hidden magic in them. Edward Bach was a pioneer in this field and had carried out excellent research on the profound effect of flower extracts on the   human mind. An Extract called ‘Mimulus’ removes the Fear of all types (Condition being that the cause of the fear must be known). It will give stability and enable the person to cope up with the situation. Cause of known fears can be- child who has not done well at exams and is afraid of the results- a busy executive held up in the traffic jam and afraid that he will miss the flight- or a cancer patient afraid that he is going to die- a paratrooper just before he takes the plunge etc.  This wonderful extract out of the ‘Flower Remedy’ can be purchased from any good homeopathic Store.
 Excess of any thing is always bad. Bahgwad Gita   always advises an aspirant to take a middle path.

There is   a wealth of knowledge just waiting to be picked up. If only we devoted some time and effort to search. How to find the time for yourself in this- mad world full of activity?  You have to find your own answer. Is it not?

1 comment:

  1. Flower Remedy seems to be the- authentic naturopathy treatment, will give it a try for frequent headaches..
